3 of the most dangerous industries to work in right now

This year, it is estimated that 693,000 workers sustained a non-fatal injury at work. The risk of injury largely depends on the sector in which you work, with some industries having greater hazards than others.
According to the latest Health & Safety England (HSE) data, these are the most dangerous industries to work in right now:
1 – Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing
The most dangerous industry to work in is the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industry the data says.
Over the past year, it is estimated that 12,000 works sustained non-fatal injuries, or the equivalent of 3,940 injuries per 100,000 workers. This is around double the average percentage of workers in all UK industries to sustain an injury in the workplace. Of these injuries, the majority (22%) are due to slips, trips, or falls. This is followed by being injured by an animal (16%), falling from a height (13%) and injury caused by heavy lifting (12%).
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing also reported the greatest number of to fatal injuries, with an average of 7.773 workers per 100,000.
2 – Construction
Construction is the second most dangerous industry to work in, with 61,000 non-fatal injuries occurring in the past year. Although this is more than the agricultural, forestry, and fishing industries, this sector is much larger and equates to a lower average of 2,760 injuries per 100,000 workers. Slips, trip, and falls are once again the main contributer (26%), followed by handling an heavy lifting (19%), falling from a height (19%) and being struck by a moving or falling object (12%).
In addition, injuries sustained while working in the construction sector also result in the longest time off work, with 17,000 injuries having an absence of over seven days. Combined, construction-related injuries account for 529,000 days of absence per year.
3 – Accommodation & Food Services
The third most dangerous sector to work is in accommodation and food services. Here, the 42,000 annual injuries equate to an average incidence rate of 2,460 non-fatal injuries per 100,000 workers. Again, slips, trips and falls are responsible for the majority of incidents, accounting for 29% of all accidents or injuries reported.
To help prevent both fatal and non-fatal injuries in the workplace, as well as reducing work-related health issues, proper workwear and effective PPE are essential. Order via our web shop 24/7 or get in touch to discuss your needs.