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News & Views

Cutting down your carbon footprint one garment at a time
We have relied on PPE for years to protect us from hazards in the workplace, but the huge quantities of personal protective equipment used in the c...
Focus on: Green Energy
A term most of us have heard but very few fully understand, green energy is so much more than a buzzword created by the UK government to bolster th...
Top tips for keeping your PPE budget in check
As an employer, providing enough effective PPE for all your employees can represent quite a financial commitment. With the global pandemic resultin...
How has COVID-19 changed the commercial kitchen?
There’s no doubt the hospitality sector has suffered more than most from the stop-start nature of social distancing restrictions, with commercial k...
Industry in Focus: Electric Vehicle Manufacturing
With the ambitious UK government target of cutting CO2 emissions by 68 per cent by 2030 in line with a wider goal of a climate-neutral Europe by 20...
How Poor-Quality Workwear Hinders Productivity
Whether for safety reasons in a factory, letting people know they can ask you for assistance on a construction site, or for practical reasons in wa...
Buy British: Why Brexit is threatening PPE supplies
While Brexit was put on the back burner as the coronavirus pandemic took over news channels worldwide, the two are about to collide. Thanks to last...
How to correctly dispose of used PPE
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is currently being used more than ever, both in the UK and across the globe, to help control the spread of coro...
Can I charge staff for PPE?
Coronavirus has taken its toll on many businesses across the UK, leaving business owners searching for ways to lower their overheads and cut back o...
How Much Liability Does the Employer Hold for PPE?
How Much Liability Does the Employer Hold for PPE? We all know that it is an employer’s responsibility to provide personal protective equipment (PP...

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